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About This Test

In today’s globalized world, effective listening skills are essential for seamless communication and success in various academic and professional settings. The IELTS Listening test is designed to evaluate your ability to understand and interpret spoken English in different contexts, ranging from casual conversations to academic lectures.

This comprehensive guide will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the IELTS Listening test, its format, question types, and effective preparation strategies. Whether you’re aiming to study abroad, pursue higher education, or advance your career, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in this essential component of the IELTS.

Test Format

The IELTS Listening test is the same for both the Academic and General Training variants of the exam. It is a 30-minute assessment consisting of four recordings, each presenting a unique scenario and set of questions.

Here’s a breakdown of the test format:

  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Number of Recordings: 4
  • Number of Questions: 40 (10 questions per recording)

The recordings are a mix of monologues and conversations featuring a range of native English speakers. Each recording is played only once, so it’s crucial to listen carefully and take effective notes during the test.

What is Tested?

The IELTS Listening test evaluates your ability to comprehend spoken English in various contexts. Specifically, it assesses the following skills:

IELTS Listening Practice Materials

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The word “edify” means to mentor, counsel, and educate. In my recent career as an entrepreneur (IELTS trainer), the primary challenge is to educate the parents of the students aspiring to study abroad. Counseling and mentoring go hand-in-hand with education. There is a dire need to edify the people of our nation and contribute to its development and growth. This inspired me to initiate the global campaign under the hashtag #edifyingyoungminds. I realize that my contribution is just a drop in this vast ocean, but every drop counts! I believe that we only age chronologically, while we always remain young in our hearts and minds. So, let’s embark on this journey together.